Lessee Portal

About Your Lease

Thank you for leasing your vehicle through CULA. CULA is the lessor and the owner of your vehicle. Your financial institution is the lender on your vehicle. We want to make sure you have a great experience from setup through lease end.

Following is general inforamtion about your lease. Our FAQs provide answers to the most common questions. Self Service provides information to your specific lease. Please Contact Us if you have additional questions.

Excise/Property Tax

If you originate your lease or move to a state that assess annual excise/property tax/use taxes, you will be responsible for paying these. They are not included in your monthly lease payment. They must be paid immediately upon receipt whether directly from the assessing company, CULA or your financial institution.

Mileage Awareness

Stay aware of your odometer. You contracted to drive a set number of miles per year. Your mileage at end of term cannot exceed the number of miles specificed in your lease agreement or you will incur excess mileage charges. For specific details, refer to your lease agreement or use our Self Service option.

Parking Tickets, Tolls and Traffic Fines

You are responsible for all tickets, tolls and traffic fines. Many entities no longer mail these items and it is your responsibility to pay according to the item on your windshield or the toll instructions posted as you are driving. Because your vehicle is a lease, avoiding immediate payment of these bills can affect your registration. To avoid penalty fees, these items must be paid immediately whether posted on your windshield, at the toll, or a bill issued directly from the assessing company, CULA or your financial institution.

End of Term Fee

If you turn in your vehicle at end of term, you will owe a disposition fee. If you buy your vehicle at end of term, you will owe a purchase option fee. For specific details about these, refer to your lease agreement or use our Self Service option.

Lease End Options

You’ve got choices: trade in, turn in, or purchase your vehicle.

It is important that you get everything finished before your lease termination date. You should start planning at least 3 months in advance of your termination date. Following are your options:

  • Trade – You are trading your leased vehicle for another at the dealership and the dealership is paying off your current lease.
    • Contact your Dealer and get documentation for your trade.
    • Follow-up with your financial institution to ensure your lease was paid off by the dealership.
  • Purchase – You are buying your leased vehicle from your financial institution.
    • Call your Financial Institution to obtain your payoff.
    • Start this process at least 30 days before termination date.
    • There is a purchase option fee in your contract. This will be rolled into your final payoff amount. Contact CULA if you need help finding this amount.
    • You will have no mileage penalties or wear and tear charges.
  • Return - You are returning your vehicle.
    • Contact CULA at least 3 weeks before your termination date to schedule required vehicle inspection.
    • All payments must be made prior to your termination date.
    • There is a disposition fee that in your contract. This needs to be paid at lease end. Contact CULA if you need help finding this amount.
    • When you are finished driving the vehicle. CULA can pick up the car at your home. Before arranging transport, you must be finished driving the car and need to provide CULA with the final odometer reading. Transport can take up to 2 weeks; please keep the vehicle in a safe place between the time you are finished driving it and the car is picked up.


Contact your financial instution before you move. Not every state is licensed for the CULA lease which means you are not allowed to take your vehicle to some states, for more than 30 days, per your lease agreement. Plus, moving to a new tax district even in the same state can impact your lease.

Accident or Theft

Contact CULA immediately via email at claims@cula.com or via phone at the number below. We include GAP insurance with your program and will work with your insurer to maximize claim benefits. Failure to do so before repairing the vehicle could lead to higher costs down the road.